Good software for desigining themes?

What do is a good program to use for designing the graphics for themes. I've used photoshop lots, but is there anything cheaper that works as well? Hopefully something for mac too?


  • You could try The GIMP. It's free. There's also GIMPShop which uses GIMP but has the layout like Photoshop...

    I do have to say I like Photoshop a lot better though.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Macromedia (now Adobe) Fireworks is what I use for all design comps and layouts. It's got great vector tools in addition to the standard graphics stuff; so you get to work with fluid lines, but you get to see the pixels. Pretty nice.

    There's a 30-day fully-functional trial on their web site if you want to try it. It's expensive after that though... :(
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