customizing flowplayer plugin

Hi there.

simple question: is it possible to customize the plugin version of flowplayer like it is with the stand-alone?

I'd like to cofigure it like this:

showStopButton: false,
showScrubber: false,
showVolumeSlider: false,
showMuteVolumeButton: false,
showFullScreenButton: false,
showMenu: false,
controlsOverVideo: 'locked',
controlBarBackgroundColor: -1,
controlBarGloss: 'none'


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sure, look at zp-core/plugins/flowplayer.php of your zenphoto installation. We did not include all those to not bloat the options.
    Be sure to duplicate the plugin so that you don't loose changes on update.
  • r4ptor Member
    I have virtually no knowledge about web development, so my question would be how exactly are these supposed to be used?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The options are all documentated on Flowplayer's site:
  • r4ptor Member
    Yeh, seen it - problem was that I didn't look close enough in flowplayer.php. My bad.
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