Changing text in Zenpage Template

I would like to change the text "Index" to "Home" on the the opening page of Zenpage.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    In the files in your theme folder find `<?php echo gettext("Index"); ?>` and change `Index` to `Home`.
  • Thyanks for the quick response.

    Did as you suggested. There were 2 pages.php files. One in the themes/zenpage folder and the other in the copy_of_zenpage folder. I changed the text from Index to Home in both and refreshed the page.

    Also found the same string in albums.php and changed it in both folder locations.

    No luck. Index was not changed to Home.

    Is there something else I can do?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well you did change it on pages.php but that is not the home page. That would be index.php.
  • Found it. The index.php has an include of gallery.php. Changing this one worked.

    Thanks for your help.
  • To follow up on the text change on Zenpage. The <?php echo gettext("Index"); ?> string is found /htdocs/zen/themes/copy_of_zenpage in the following files:
    image.php (2 instances)
    search.php (2 instances)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, in all theme pages actually since all have a breadcrumb. We did only tell about one as you asked for the home page only...:-)
  • Finding the reference to gallery.php led to the solution. <?php echo gettext("Index"); ?> was not in index.php. My fault for assuming that it was.

    Thanks again.
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