Add an image in Content under Page Edit

I have inserted and image in the Content are under Page Edit. I can see the thumbnail and I can select it but it shows a "broken sheet" icon when I click on to to preview. I checked to make sure that the path to the uploaded directory was correct.

Help on a simple issue would be appreciated.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    How did you add it? Filemanager or tinyZenpage?
  • Using an the image icon on the Page Edit Toolbar that brought up the File Manager not tinyZenPage.
  • I found a 9 month old post of yours that provided a work around:

    "Store the images within an unpublished album whose images are published if you don't want that album to appear in the gallery. We do it that way on our own site."

    The inserting an image using the Insert Image button under Page Edit doesn't work.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Using an unpublished album is actually the best practice since that uses the Zenphoto image sizing facility. I admit I never used the file manager myself although I introduced it actually. It is sort of deprecated and will be replaced with another one.
  • The file manager would normally be sued to insert images that are outside of the Zenphoto album context such as Site logos an the like and normally references the `uploaded` folder. I am not even sure how you would manage to get it to locate an image in the albums structure.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That would only work if you change the define internally I guess. But anyway, if he uses an album and tinyZenpage as I suggested the file manager is not needed anyway since that uses albums only..;-)
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