I have searched and maybe I missed this. How can I set the header image to not be random on the main page? I found it for each gallery but I can't find it for the main Gallery page.
The header for both the gallery (index.php) and the albums (album.php) is created by the call on `printHeadingImage()`. You will need to pass it a static image rather than a call to `getRandomImages()`
i tried this out and failed miserably. i had this: `<?php printHeadingImage(getRandomImages()); ?>` and changed it to this: `<?php printHeadingImage('header.png'); ?>` and the whole page didn't load.
the header.png image is in the same dir as the gallery.php...seems like the thing to do. any thoughts on what i messed up?
I guess I'm just dopey. I can't get my head around what I'd put in there as a function. I looked through the functions guide but frankly 90% of it is over my head.
i had this:
`<?php printHeadingImage(getRandomImages()); ?>`
and changed it to this:
`<?php printHeadingImage('header.png'); ?>`
and the whole page didn't load.
the header.png image is in the same dir as the gallery.php...seems like the thing to do. any thoughts on what i messed up?