issue searching tags

I have had a little bit of trouble searching tags. I have two galleries running zenphoto; one is working just fine while the other more recently installed version is not working the way i want it to.

The old one, I was able to search through my tags very well; for example if one of my tags were "Ham Sandwich" then Sandwich would work. In my new gallery, Sandwich would not and only by searching the full tag would I yield the results I want. I recently added a caption to the photos.

What is the issue? Thanks for the help.


  • The tag implementation has changed in the current version. You will notice that you can change between tag tables and tag strings on the admin tag tab. When you are in table mode the match on tags is exact. That was not possible in with the string implementation.

    There is a plugin for suggesting tags from partial keyboard entry that may be of use to you.
  • lucian Member
    Thank you.
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