I really just want a gallery to work WITH my WordPress blog (
http://blog.thelifeofbrian.info). I've fiddled with NextGen but found it fell far short of all the hype.
I've read that WordPress integration is coming "soon" - any idea when?
Until then.... Can somebody lay it out for me, the best way to install ZenPhoto, what WordPress plugins to use (I
see there are several), etc.
I would like the gallery to be at
http://blog.thelifeofbrian.info/pics. So how would I do this -- install the app in that folder? How do I get the themes to match? Is any of this documented already?
Thanks... I have searched, but haven't found the answers yet.
http://www.zenphoto.org/2008/01/wordpress-plugins/ and here
Also here is a little older tutorial:
An easy solution just to make a theme for zenphoto to match the rest of your site. This is basically how we did it on zenphoto.org.
It's basically our theme we are using to display the showcase on the homepage. It's just a blank zenphoto theme that pulls in your wordpress theme around it.
Unless aitf311's solution solves this what I'm doing at the moment is using the permalinks for wordpress for pretty links navigating the site and then turned permalinks off for zen not ideal but google will at least index your images.
Does that make any more sense?
I've installed a gallery using SimpleScripts through my provider, but it will not allow me to log in to the admin site - so I've gotten nowhere with it. Waiting on support from my host on that...
At first I asked this same question here at the forum. Will there be a perfect integration of ZP inside WP. But now I don't want that anymore. Now I like to keep those two seperated. You never know how WP or ZP will evolve and perhaps there will come a day that you want something else than WP or ZP. Also a reason why I try to minimize the amount of plugins I use in WP and ZP, at least plugins that alter things in the database.
Or think of this: let's say you are using the images inside the ZP albums to link to from within a WP post or even place them inside your posts. Then, after some time, you decide to use another program, or ZP let's you store images some place else or whatever... Then the links will be broken.
Personally I think it's best to keep these two seperated. That's why I've chosen to not use something like NextGen.
aitf, this was nice to find. Question though. Getting meta description and "title" for the galleries/albums does not seem possible using this method?
1. Google Webmasters shows that all of my Zp pages come back as 404.
2. When I upgraded to WP 2.6 the browser bar said 'nothing found' for all of my ZP pages.
3. Google has zero of my 2000 ZP images indexed.
So it's an issue with mod_rewrite.
As I...
a) Used Ruzee's (ZP Developer recommended) include.
b) Use WP pretty permalinks
c) Enabled ZP mod_rewrite.
... all of my ZP pages came back as errors.
So, what can we do about it? How do we make a b c consistent with each other?
Developers - we look to you for guidance here! We want to keep our headers, pretty permalinks and be included in the Google club.
What should we do? I have disabled mod_rewrite of the time being. I want to test it out. Have a look at my site if you like. Some of the links may be temporarily broken.
I'm more than willing to be a try out any thought you may have as long as it allows me to keep my theme and my header include!
Here is the thread to it: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=3252&replies=18
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/var/www/angel/zenphoto/zp-core/Sajax.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/angle/zenphoto/themes/wordpress/header.php on line 7
any help will be appreciated
Open the index.php file found in your root Zenphoto folder (NOT your themes index.php file)
Replace the line `header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");`
with `header("Status: 200 OK");`
I did this and now all my Zenphoto albums show status 200 to search engines, as well as give a 404 response to pages that do not exist.
Give it a try and test out the headers, (I use http://www.web-sniffer.net, but there are many others) I think this is the solution to this particular issue. If not, let me know. Seems to have totally solved my "silent 404" problem.
BTW I am using WP 2.6.3 and ZP 1.2.1
And is there a way to keep "Page not Found" out of the page title on the browser tab?
Especially the "page not found' issue - switching back and forth between WordPress themes - sometimes I'd have "Page Not Found" in my browser window and othertimes, I'd see the name of the page as outputted by ZenPhoto.
I never came up with a solution - but it might be something to investigate. A bit over my head though.
I've fiddled with this since a while now, using ruzee's method. It worked ... almost. The problem I have is that the .css file is not being applied to the gallery properly.
Well - unless I look at it with opera from my own machine that is.
Stylesheet is here: http://www.confession-box.org/gallery/themes/default_plus_wordpress/styles/light.css - it's basically just a slight variation of the default zenphoto style that fit the general design of my page quite well ... I only addjusted some colours.
Would love to get suggestions - I am not much of a code person, obviously.
`<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> | <?php echo getGalleryTitle();?> | <?php echo getAlbumTitle();?> | <?php echo getBareImageTitle();?><?php if (is_404()) { ?> <?php } ?>`
This way, when the 404 gets sent it won't show in the browser title bar and you can make it whatever you want it to be by using the `<?php if (is_404()) {?>` function. Unfortunately, because of the getGalleryTitle, getAlbumTitle, etc which are defined functions in ZenPhoto, those will only work when within the ZenPhoto pages, not when you are on a WordPress page only. I'm sure there's a way to define those functions from within the WP php files but it is beyond my knowledge. (If anyone has the code for that I'd love to know what it is.)
For pages within WordPress only, I just use a different page template with a different header.php file with the usual title functions like `<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> : <?php bloginfo('description'); ?>` etc.
I'm sure there are other workarounds, (maybe easier ones!) but this particular solution works great for me.
Thanks so much!
I'll give this a shot. I'd given up -I'm so glad I stopped by today.