How to change the "Home" in custom link on front page?

I would like to change the wording on the Custom link on the front page from "Home" to something else.

I've looked through the various theme and core files, and am not sure where to change that phrase (and I don;t want to mess it up by making the wrong change).

Can anyone tell me how to make this change, what line or file or option?


  • What version of zenphoto is installed and which theme are you using?
  • The latest version of Zenphoto and (currently) the default theme.

    (I might be using the Example theme also.)
  • You can change the name of your gallery (or "home" link) by logging into your zenphoto admin area. Under Options->Gallery Configuration, change "Gallery Title" to your liking. Is this what you were referring to?
  • Thanks, but that's not exactly what I was looking for.

    There is an option to adf a link to another site or parent homepage on the front. Sothat the navigation menu says Home/Gallery/.....etc. with "home" being something outside of Zenphoto directory.

    The Gallery is the main page of Zenphoto. The "Home" link is what I'm trying to change.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is an option: Admin options > Gallery options >Website title / Website url
    If don't use any of the 4 standard themes you need to add this function to your theme pages:
    Of course you can add a normal html link, too.
  • Thanks. That's what i was looking for.
  • Hello,

    I'm working with 1.2.9 and I want to do the same thing, but Zenphoto is different now, and I cannot find it. I'm using Zenpage by Malte Müller (acrylian) on I have the correct URL in Options > Gallery but it does not work.

    Plus I want to change the Name "index" in the breadcrumb to "Startseite". Where can I change text, changes in the zenphoto.po seem not to work.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That index link is not the same as the "home" link which is meant to link to your website if you are using Zenphoto only for the galelry part of your site where the rest is done with another system. The zenpage theme does not have support for that. The index means the Zenphoto index.

    To change the name you have to change the theme manually on all main theme files. Look for the part that starts with `
  • thank you acrylian.

    I know this is an other subject, but where can I change text, if not in the .po? I want to change the Link "Kontaktieren Sie uns" to "Kontaktformular"
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to understand the concept of gettext. This is not meant for changing texts but for translating (You agree that "Kontaktformular" would really not be the translation of "Contact us", right?). The po file is a "working file" for translations that needs to be turned into a .mo file to actually be of use for this.

    If you want to change texts in general you have either to modify the theme (in this case the theme's sidebar.php) or use the text fields on the backend. The contact form for example has for all other text such fields you can customize (even multilingual).
  • Okay, thank you. I was able to change it. I've beeen working a lot with Joomla and somehow thought it would work similar...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not that familiar with Joomla but it would have worked if you had converted the .po file into a .mo file afterwards (using Poedit for example). Still it would not really "translating" then (and of course overwritten with the next update)..;-)
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