Flickr-like Photostream?

I'd like to be able to create a Flickr-like photostream in zenphoto. The most intuitive way of conceiving of this would be if the root album were an actual album (not a housing for albums) or if there were a way to simply display all photos in the root (this would allow for having what Flickr dubs "sets" by having photos remain in their albums but be seamlessly displayed on the front page).

I considered using "recent photos," however, this wouldn't allow for pagination through the stream - it'd be limited to whatever number of recent photos is set.

Any ideas?

Pardon me if I've missed another thread or theme that features this. Stuck in general because I'm not sure this is simply a theming issue (yet).


  • You're looking to expand on printLatestImages(enter_number_here);

    You could put printLatestImages(100) and it will show the last 100 you have uploaded in order. You could still use your albums in conjunction with this.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The pure printImageStatisic does not allow pagination. You would not be able to do this without making custom functions I think. But take a look here:
    May not be the exact solution right now but it would probably be expandable.
  • edbury Member
    Ah. Thanks acrylian, that thread looks like it's on the right track.
  • Figured I'd bump this just in case (the other thread isn't necessarily what I was looking for, but progress in either case would be good).
  • My apologies but... *Resurrects thread in the hopes that new info may come to light.*
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