include(), album.php, image.php

What might happen if, on the index.php page, I stuck an include at the end for the album.php, adn an include at the end of album.php for image.php? Could I use this idea to make zenphoto place all of its functionality in one page instead of having to click between three? (lets just assume there was logical separation of each page, and that the album and image page were given a default to start with, say, latest album and image.)

Is this possible?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    "Is it possible?" is the wrong question, with the time and knowledge you can do nearly everything...:-)

    Zenphoto depends on the separate index. album and image page. That won't work. Why do you make things more complicated than necessary? May I ask wyh you want to do that at all?
  • Well, I was wondering what if I could make the album links on the index page a navigation that link directly to the image page and have the image page load the latest image in the selected gallery. It would all fit neatly in one page that way.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you take a look at the printAlbumMenu plugin? That does not print images and does not link to the image page though.
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