hide tags from public

I'd like to have access to tags as admin to "edit in place" on the front end of zenphoto, but don't want users to see the tags. Is there a way to do this? It's convenient to use edit in place for me, but I would prefer the public not see them. Thanks


  • You can edit the tags for an image or ablum wherever the tags are displayed. This is part of the standard Ajax inline editing. Of course your theme must display the tags for this to be operational. But of course, the tags will display unless you specifically supress them.

    You can make a test on `if (zp_loggedin()) {` to see if an administrator is logged in. condition the tag display on this.
  • I was hoping that only admin could see the tags that had been added and remove them selectively. I use tags to help visitors in there search although I don't display tags to them. reason has to do with the design. For instance, I have a link for "new", it's not a tag, but they are tagged in admin. The link for new items is a search created album. When the item is no longer new, I would like the admin to be able to just remove the tag "new" from the front end of zenphoto...
  • If you don't display the tags then they won't see them. Not sure what your issue is here. You can only ajax edit things that show on your page. If you want to show something only if you are logged in then use the if statement above.
  • maybe it's easier than I think, I'll look through it. Thanks
  • If you are allergic to PHP, you could implement such a thing by editing your themes' cascading stylesheet. If you add "display: none;" to the following "taglist" elements, tags should only be displayed when you are logged in as administrator.

    `.taglist ul {display: none;}

    .taglist li {display: none;}

    .taglist .tags_title {display: none;}`

    You can either edit the existing elements in the .CSS file for your current theme, or just add the above code to the end of that file. I'm not certain, but I think an up side to this route would be that search engines would still be able to index the tags without them being displayed to a non-admin user. The down side is, if someone has CSS disabled in their browser the tags will still be displayed. I think this is a rarity nowadays, however.
  • I was thinking along these lines too, thanks.
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