Tag cloud order upper case first then lower case (not alphabetical)

Hi all,

I like zenphoto a lot. But since version 1.1.7 my Tags are not any more in an alphabetical order. I often add them in a hurry and don't care about upper or lower case. Now the tags are ordered upper case first then lower case. Every tag only appears once no matter if it exists upper and/or lower case.
I would prefer alphabetical order. Has anyone any suggestions?


  • Install the nightly build.
  • ptet Member
    Thank you for your response. Some success: those existing upper and lower case are now in the right order. those only exist lower case are still ordered in the end.
  • Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying.
  • ptet Member
    I have Tags like "Zoo" and "zoo". They are now in the right order. They appear as "Zoo". But for instance "ball" is placed after "Zoo".
  • Ok. I have placed a change for tonight's build. Tomorrow download it and give it a try. See if it corrects your problem.
  • ptet Member
    Unfortunately not. I installed the nightly but my tag cloud still looks like this:

    # Zweige
    # Zwerghai
    # Zwiebelmuster
    # am
    # auto
    # bauch
    # baum
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I also can reproduce this, so I guess we still have a bug here.
  • Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this in version 2026. Please provide some more details.

    Are you adding the tags with the Ajax in-line editing? If so you will have to referesh the page before you see things in the right order. Have you separated your tags with commas? If not, it is just one big tag.
  • ptet Member
    Yes, I add the tags with Ajax and comma separated. But the problem I'm talking about does not affect the single image page but the tag cloud for instance on the album page where the tags of all images come together. I checked the database and found the new tag-table. I found that it depends on whether the single tag is saved there in upper or lower case.
  • Ok, I understand. But I was confused by the statement that it worked on 1.1.6. The sort done by the tag cloud has been case sensitive since its inception. Anyway, I have changed it to be a natural sort now. The change will be in tonight's build.
  • Actually, why not normalize all tags before being inserted into the database? I don't keep up with the philosophy behind tag clouds, but it would seem to me a more accurate representation of the popular tags would be displayed if every tag was filtered to be lower-case before inserted into the database. This would also carry on the "zenphoto" tradition. ;-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Keep in mind we are multilingual now and not all languages write nearly everything lower case as English does! In German, my native language, for example substantives are always written with a first upper case character: "photo" has to be "Photo". If you make them all lower case it is simply wrong in German and will give a bad impression.
  • ptet Member
    Thanks a lot. Now it works again. I agree with acrylian in the question of "normalization" But I like the feature of general tag editing. Because it makes it easy to correct typos in tags. Thanks again for your quick responses and support!
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