Zenphoto has Thickbox already on board, that seems not that different from the shadowbox (how many of these derivats are there?). You just need to open the slideshow.php theme page. You would have to use the "iFramed Content" or the "Ajax Content" method. http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/
thanks acrylian. Ya, it's just one of these derivatives...heh. My main goal is to not go to a separate page, I just don't know how to launch the slideshow in the framed window. Passing the variables from the thumbnail view is the part that I cannot figure out.
Any variation is fine, shadow box, lightbox, thickbox, etc. Thats really irrelevant, I guess I should use the jquery one since we are already using the library.
So if I add the thickbox code to the slideshow.php page, it wouldnt load the slideshow from the thumbnail page. Get what I'm saying?
If you already have Highslide set up, just implement the Highslide HTML content function and bypass the printSlideShowLink function altogether. Replace the slideshow link generation call with your own custom link to the slideshow.php file.
You should be able to accomplish the same in any derivative that supports HTML content. As acrylian stated tho, unless you have a particular reason for using one derivative over another, you should use the built in Thickbox functionality. Otherwise your visitors will be required to use up more bandwidth to download redundant code, which slows down your site.
Where can I edit the code that the
'<?php printSlideShowLink($linktext='Start Slideshow'); ?>'
I want the output code to look like
'External Site'
except google.com would be the javascript code... would that even work?
Any variation is fine, shadow box, lightbox, thickbox, etc. Thats really irrelevant, I guess I should use the jquery one since we are already using the library.
So if I add the thickbox code to the slideshow.php page, it wouldnt load the slideshow from the thumbnail page. Get what I'm saying?
You should be able to accomplish the same in any derivative that supports HTML content. As acrylian stated tho, unless you have a particular reason for using one derivative over another, you should use the built in Thickbox functionality. Otherwise your visitors will be required to use up more bandwidth to download redundant code, which slows down your site.