RGB Histogram

I came across Pixelpost. Its not what i want, because i use Zenphoto with great pleasure.
But what got my interest was a nice plugin called RGB_Histogram.

This is a function i would really like to see in Zenphoto.

Link to the plugin: http://www.pixelpost.org/extend/addons/rgb-histogram/


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Pardon my ignorance. For what is that exactly needed on a website? Couldn't you just use your image editor for that?

    Why don't you try to write a plugin for that, we always welcome user contributions...:-)
  • I am a photographer and for me it is verry handy to see that histogram. I can get a lot of information out of it.
    I already see now some photo sites that have this option. Its a nice extra EXIF feature :)that when i see it, tells me a lot about the image.

    Write a plugin myself ... I am very bad with programming, but i will try, so maybe someone reads this and thinks its a nice project for him/her to do :) that would be great!
  • jlang Member
    I played with this before - adding a histogram to view along with the EXIF info seemed the most sensible place to use it. If I get a chance, I'll revisit it and see if I can tidy up publish what I did.
  • That would be great!!!
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