getting started with exif data - how to?

Hello. I'm new to ZenPhoto, and so far it looks great. I see a lot of discussion of exif data, but I haven't found anything discussing the basics. Is exif data automatically uploaded with photos if it exists? How do I get to that data as an admin, and what can I do with it? Is it viewable by visitors to my gallery? If so, where do I turn that on and off?

Thanks in advance!


  • EXIF/IPTC data is extracted from images and placed in the database where it can be modified if you choose. All database fields are potentially viewable by visitors, but it will depend on the theme which ones are actually shown.

    There are function calls which display the information. To turn on and off display you have to make/delete calls on those functions. There is a function guide on our WEB site.

    But quickly, there is a `printImageData()` function which prints all but the EXIF data. For the latter use `printImageEXIFData()`.

    edit: Actually, `printImageData()` can be used for the EXIF data, but you have to deal one field aat a time.
  • Ah... ok - so this helps a lot. I think the first thing for me to do then is to switch to a theme that displays the data (or at least has the option to do so). Thanks!
  • Hmm... well... I'm still confused. I've loaded a different them (thinkdreams), which seems to indicate that it deals with exif data, but I can't seem to find any options for showing exif data.

    I also must admit that I'm not clear on why you mentioned the function calls.

    I appreciate that there is a lot of potential functionality in this product, but there seems to be a lack of the more basic explanations. If somebody can point me in the right direction, I would be glad to do any necessary reading, but I'm really not sure where to start.

    Thanks again in advance.
  • Thinkdreams is not one of the distributed themes, so I can't comment specifically on it. All four distributed themes make a call on printImageMetadata in their image.php scripts. This function creates a link that will cause the EXIF data to display when clicked.

    I mentioned the function calls so you would have something to educate yourself on. These are the routines that handle the data you are interested in. So, one thing you might do is a search on the scripts to see where they might be used. The other thing you can do is read the function docuentation to see how they are used.
  • Ok - thanks! I will try again. Actually, I started with a distributed theme and switched to a different one because I misunderstood your first post thinking that I had to use something else to see the exif data. I will go back to the theme I was using before, which is distributed.
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