I installed the nightly build (zenphoto-2008-07-30-trunk) I've made an upgrade and I realised that the encoding character makes appear strange character like "é" instead of "é" which was not the case before the upgrade.
Besides, when I edit a title or a desc and use an apostrophe (this character : ' ) I get many antislashes in my field : \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Do you have any solution to fix that ?
The character issue is a mismatch in character set encodings. You did not say what you were running before the upgrade. Perhaps you have accidentally changed your character set. The default would be UTF-8. "é" is the UTF-8 encoding for "é".
About the character issue :
before the upgrade it was a 1.1.7 last stable version (based itself on a 1.1.6 regularly kept up to date), I've never set something about the encoding.
I realised that the tables created with the 1.1.6 version was encoded in latin1_swedish_ci and that the newer version is in utf8_unicode_ci.
So I'm supposed to convert all the latin1_swedish_ci tables to utf8_unicode_ci, right ?
I wonder what is the safiest way to do that : simply change the encoding in phpmyadmin for these tables ?
Warning: array_shift() [function.array-shift]: The argument should be an array in /home/anotherincrediblewebsite/zp-core/functions-i18n.php on line 262
It sounds like UTF-8 characters are stored in your database, so just changing the tables to UTF-8 would work. But, of course, you may have mixed character sets, so you may have to edit some of your data.
But, all this did not change on 1.1.7, so what is the charset value on the admin gallery options tab?
my charset value is unicode (UTF-8)
After testing a little more, it appears that when a field (like album description for example) contains this character : '
the datas can't be stored in the db, so the fields are empty and so I get the error below.
editing multilingual album description fields with a text containing this character : ' erase the whole content of the description fields of the album (for every language).
Besides something weird : it messed the db (description from another album appears in the field...).
I hope it helps and that my poor english is understandable.
(even if I'm not sure to understand what do you mean by "if you set the multi-lingual option things will work")
In some words : you rock.