SVN 1.1.7 tag different from what was released?

It seems that what was tagged as version 1.1.7 in SVN differs from what was actually released. has the following:

`define('ZENPHOTO_VERSION', '1.1.6');

define('ZENPHOTO_RELEASE', 1838);`

While the released file has
`define('ZENPHOTO_VERSION', '1.1.7');

define('ZENPHOTO_RELEASE', 1842);`

This confused me for some considerable time as I tried to work out what version I was running and why SVN thought it was already updated. Can what is released please be exactly what is in SVn in future?

Thanks, zenphoto is a great application, and updating via SVN is simply beautiful.

This would also affect anyone who was incorporating zenphoto into their project and liked to keep their copy up to date via svn.

If anyone else is having trouble with this, my workaround was to run
`$ svn switch -r 1842`
Revision 1842 was what was actually released as 1.1.7.


  • trisweb Administrator
    Sorry about that, looks like I tagged before I ran the release script (which actually changes the version and release with a nice little sed script and checks it back in to SVN). In the future I will be sure to run the script before I tag.

    I will switch the 1.1.7 tag to revision 1842 now. Thanks for pointing that out!

    Edit: Done.
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