Hi all.
I use Zenphoto now been a while and I'm absolutely thrilled.
Now I create a website just for a friend complete with Zenphoto. (zpAdroise)
On the frontpage of the website to the latest news entry to be seen.
Here the future homepage:
Since the frontpage an unpublished page created by ZP is my question:
how can I get the latest news in this page as komplet text.
How it works as a link I know, but as a complete text?
Can I create within ZP online when I edit the page?
My English is not so good and the G *** Translation is not really helpful.
Thanks in advance
News is called " Seminare"
http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/plugins/zenpage/_zp-extensions---zenpage---zenpage-template-functions.php.html#functionprintLatestNews Not sure what you mean.
Regarding the news you can use the latestnews function but you could also use the next_news loop. But in any case you should read the theming tutorial first to learn the basics of Zenphoto theming.
Thanks for help.
all previous changes I've made ??with dreamweaver, so the question is whether the online also go directly to the page. The note with the codblock was exactly the right note. Thank you.
I prefer the printLatestNews, that's exactly what I need. Thank you
and yes, i tried to learn the basics of ZP. :-)
If that's what you wanted to know ? ;-)
so like all previous changes I've made directly in the inc_header.php inc_footer.php and in custom.css
(For example socialshareprivacy of Heisse.de) Now I wanted to know if I can change directly via the "backend" printLatestNews in the side This can be taken to the Codeblock1 I did not know until then
So I have a lot to read to uncover the secrets of ZP ;-)
Thanks again
one more question:
is there the opportunity to latestnews sort by date of its validity date and
view the news with the shortest expiration date on the front page with printLatestNews?
background of all is the news should be used as a photo-seminars.
Since the dates may move should be the news with the shortest validity shown at the top of the news list and of frontpage.
can i do this in codeblock1 ?
the theme zpAdroise have the call for codeblock1 in that place.
I`ll try to get the object running.
when I print / getLatestNews () functions use, but then the article appears only with the last ID number.
The indicator that I need is the validity date with the shortest.
I could also use sitcky, but then I'd always the product "push up" manually.
I previously implemented:
string printLatestNews ([int $ number = 1], [string $ option = 'none'], [string $ category =''], [bool $ showdate = true], [bool $ show content = true], [int $ contentlength = 70], [bool $ showcat = true], [string $ readmore = NULL], [bool $ sticky = true])
as it is described in the documentation.
here there is no possibility to sort the news according to their validity date. I see that right?
online translation is not soo good.
Fir the expiration date you can of course use queries like you did. But the big drawback is those will bypass any inherited publish or protection status of items (an unpublished/unprotected album within an protected one is also protected but that is not noted in the db of that item!).