Page Load Error

I noticed that the gallery doesn't seem to work properly when it's viewed in Internet Explorer - if I click on different albums and individual photos, I sometimes get a "The webpage cannot be found" error - however a quick refresh of the page sorts this out. Just wondering if anyone had any ideas as to why this could be?

I'm aware that the header doesn't look 100% right (at the time of writing) in Internet Explorer, but it works in Firefox - however I'm sorting that out at present.

I'm also finding that submitting comments with IE is proving to be a problem - the same error message described above is appearing. However submitting comments in Firefox works a treat...

Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance! :-)



  • Which build of zenphoto are you using? You might try the nightly build, as many IE bugs have been fixed since version 1.1.7 was released.
  • Hi,

    I am currently using version 1.1.7 of ZenPhoto - it's a little strange that it's not working, but will try the nightly build to see what happens.

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