I've just installed the latest nightly (previously I was about 2 weeks behind).
A noticable change (for me) is that when editting images in the admin area the sort order seems to have changed and be somewhat random.
Is there a way (when editting in the admin area) to have images listed in the same sort order as they are on the front-end? They're currently on manual sort order front-end.
Each album starts with year. I initially tried filename order. Order didn't work when changed to ascending. So I made a manual order: chronological except one album moved to be lead in for 2 albums/subalbums:
2008 album10
2007 album09
1998-97 album
1997 album08 / subalbum 1997 album001
1998 album07 / subalbum 1998 album002
1996 album06
When saved. the two with subalbums keep moving to top of the order, before 2008 album10.