passing username and password through url

Does anyone know of a way to pass the username and password through a URL to log a specific user in?

This sort of thing is discussed here but is for a different gallery system.


  • You can't actually pass the user/password in a URL (and if you care about security, you would not want to do so anyway.) But you might find the following useful:
  • The URL listed for the possible "answer" to this question is invalid. I'm also interested in this, and realize that this might be linked to the WordPress plugin (I also use WordPress), so I will look into that. But has anyone else found a way to handle this?

    I guess one enhancement request for this would be to have something you put on a URL to allow access to one particular photo without needing to login (that's really what I'm looking for). I don't really have anything to "hide" in my ZenPhoto, but when I was using Gallery I noticed that just doing a search on my name brought up my web photo album, and someone actually told me they found it that way. I'd prefer it to be a little less open to the world, but I'd also like to make it easy to show someone just a single photo/album/whatever without having to deal with logging in.

    Any other ideas in this regard?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can set your album/image in question to unpublished/invisible then it will only be accessible if someone knows the url to it. No login required.

    noticed that just doing a search on my name brought up my web photo album,
    Then you have to tell search engines not to catalog your site with a prober robot.txt file for example.
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