Resetting rating?

Apologies if this is covered already - how can I reset ratings on all my images?

I used ratings randomly while testing and want to remove them now that I'm launching



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Oh, thanks, good find, we indeed forgot that... I wonder why no one ever found that. I will fix it!
  • NP, if you wouldn't mind dropping a reply here when its done that'd be great.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, sadly it won't make it into 1.2 which is scheduled for today.
  • trisweb Administrator
    If you want, an easy way is to run a SQL query (in PHPMyAdmin for example, or on the command line) to set the "total_value" and "total_votes" fields to 0.


    `UPDATE images SET total_value = 0, total_votes = 0;`

    Replace `images` with your table name, or the album table name.
  • You might want to add `used_ips = ''` to let people vote again
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