Hi there,
I just upgraded from 1.1.7 to 1.2 and was excited to see that I could upload FLV movies right from Admin. I did that, and when viewing the album, the generic audio/video thumbnail comes up. I click to get to the video, and the player comes up.
When I actually click to play the video, nothing happens. The player is reporting a video of 0:00 length.
I've tried this with both addins with the same results and in multiple browsers (IE, FF, Opera). I've even installed the latest Adobe Flash.
Is there something else I should be doing to get these to play?
I had an already established '/photos' directory set up before I installed ZenPhoto. Instead of moving everything into the ZenPhoto album folder, I tried to redirect ZenPhoto to look outside at the '/photos' folder.
In my config, I have:
$conf['album_folder'] = '/photos/';
$conf['external_album_folder'] = '/homepages/15/d12345678/htdocs/bigwheelrally/photos/';
This lets me use ZenPhoto with my existing folders and images, but when I click on the image for full size, I see the directory is:
When I change the external_album_folder to just '/photos/' I get the error:
"Error: The 'albums' directory (/photos/) cannot be found."
Seems like the full directory path is allowing ZenPhoto to operate, but crashing full size image links.
Any ideas?
If the photos folder is outside the zenphoto folders there is a good chance it is also outside of the folders your web browser can access. That would prevent the flv player from playing the movies.
ZenPhoto is set up at:
and the photo albums are at:
I've tried every combination of setting both album_folder and external_album_folder.
It appears that you can set external_album_folder outside of the ZenPhoto install location, but then links to full size images won't work.
Seems that for full size image links, ZenPhoto is using the external_album_folder location as a folder on the site.
i.e. www.bigwheelrally.com\[external_album_folder]\albumname\picture.jpg
Can you confirm this?
p.s. what part do Path Overrides play in all this?
There is really nothing we can do about this, it is as they say, a fact of life.
Path overrides are not relevant to this. They are only for when zenphoto for some reason is unable to deternine the paths on its own.
ZenPhoto is set up at:
and the photo albums are at:
My `photos` folder is not within ZenPhoto folders (but is within my accessible web folders), so I set `external_album_folder` to the proper location.
The problem is that for image links, ZenPhoto is using the `external_album_folder` location as a subfolder.
i.e. www.bigwheelrally.com\`external_album_folder`\albumname\picture.jpg
But, `external_web_folder` is required to be the full server path to the albums folder (for example: '/homepages/15/d12345678/htdocs/bigwheelrally/photos/') according to the config file.
So, links to full size images point to non existant folders:
Ultimately, my question is: How can I point ZenPhoto to use another folder on my site as the albums and preserve full size image links and FLV playback?
I'm sorry, but I think we're misunderstanding each other as your recommendations don't seem to make sense to me.
I'd like to back up and start over:
1) I only have one publicy accessible web site (www.bigwheelrally.com).
2) I already have a photo album folder in the root of my website ("/photos").
3) I have installed ZenPhoto 1.2 in its own root folder, and have renamed that folder from "/zenphoto" to "/gallery".
4) How do I configure ZenPhoto to have it use my existing folder that is not inside the ZenPhoto folder?
Ok, I'm on track:
1) "server path to the folder where the album resides" - I have set this in config.php as:
$conf['album_folder'] = '/photos/';
$conf['external_album_folder'] = '/homepages/15/d12345678/htdocs/bigwheelrally/photos/';
2) "set the protection selection to protected" - Where does this need to be set? Is it in Admin, or is it a CHMOD on the folder itself? (I would have searched the forums for this, but the "search" box appears to have been disabled?)
3) "supply them with WEB URLs to the image using the WEB address of the other site" - This one has me confused. I only have the one site, so I'm not sure what you mean by "other site".
#3. You have said you have two sites: `www.bigwheelrally.com` and some other site unnamed where you have installed zenphoto. Your links for the FLV must reference www.bigwheelrally.com.
#3. I've said that I only have the 1 site (www.bigwheelrally.com). ZenPhoto is installed in the /gallery subfolder of this site. The FLV is trying to link to the 'external_album_folder' that is set up in config.php, but it's not allowed.
How can I get the FLV players to use the subfolder /photos on my main site?