The "show more fields" and "expand all fields | collapse all fields" buttons in image editing does not seem to work in Safari - it gives me an error
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: toggleExtraInfo
in the safari console. Which means there is no way to edit this info in Safari. (Safari 3.1.2 on OS X 10.5.4 Intel)
However, it works fine in Firefox 3
and OOPs i think i posted this in the wrong category. I missed the little pop-up menu to change that...
Its not a big deal for this site, so I'll ... oh wait the extra controls for " Move Copy Rename File and Delete image " dont appear either, giving a
Can't find variable: toggleMoveCopyRename (line 369)
So i cant even delete images from Safari.
error. Again, works fine in firefox.
======After a walk to the train station and back======
OK - so I'll eat my words --- it works now. I deleted the cache and did a reload in the browser - but I dont know if I tried pressing reload before, so maybe that was it... though i did load the page a number of times. What a dummy - pressing reload is what I always tell my clients to do when they dont see something I do. Sorry for the brainfart!