"show more fields" button does not work in Safari - v1.2

The "show more fields" and "expand all fields | collapse all fields" buttons in image editing does not seem to work in Safari - it gives me an error

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: toggleExtraInfo

in the safari console. Which means there is no way to edit this info in Safari. (Safari 3.1.2 on OS X 10.5.4 Intel)

However, it works fine in Firefox 3


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, it's working fine for me with Safari 3.1.2 on OS X 10.4.11 (PowerMac). Are you sure everything is installed correctly? Did you maybe do an update?
  • yes - i just did an update. Everything claimed to work fine in the setup process

    and OOPs i think i posted this in the wrong category. I missed the little pop-up menu to change that...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, I would like to suggest doing a clean install, the Safaris can't be that different...:-)
  • i mean, i replaced the entire zp-core folder and all the php files at the top level. The only things left over from the previous install are my custom themes, the albums, the cache and the MySQL database.

    Its not a big deal for this site, so I'll ... oh wait the extra controls for " Move Copy Rename File and Delete image " dont appear either, giving a

    Can't find variable: toggleMoveCopyRename
    http://nathalieferrier.com/artwork/zp-core/admin.php?page=edit&album=objects (line 369)

    So i cant even delete images from Safari.

    error. Again, works fine in firefox.

    ======After a walk to the train station and back======

    OK - so I'll eat my words --- it works now. I deleted the cache and did a reload in the browser - but I dont know if I tried pressing reload before, so maybe that was it... though i did load the page a number of times. What a dummy - pressing reload is what I always tell my clients to do when they dont see something I do. Sorry for the brainfart!
  • by the way, now that it works for me, version 1.2 is officially awesome :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Glad that you managed it! Safari's cache plays tricks once a while...
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