cannot open protected albums


I have a look at the forum and cannot find an answer. I have protected some of my albums. When trying to open them, the user and pass prompts. Howerver, after introducing the data, it goes back to the main gallery and cannot have access to the protected album. I have opened a new folder (passwordproblem) in www.carlosbatallas/fotos. The username is user and pass user1234, so you can check what happen. I am sure is a small thing, but cannot manage to figure out what it is!

using zenphoto version 1.2 [2213], firefox 3.0.1

thanks for your support!


  • Well, of course i found the same problem after posting :(

    Anyway, I just downloaded and installed the last version but still having the problem.




    i have also a problem with a subalbum which is protected.

    I protected it, but every time i want to login in, the gallery refreshes itself and starts at the first page again....

    strange..before i changed to 2.0 it worked perfect.

    ;) before someone is saying YES i wrote the passwort the right way.

    If you have any suggestions it would be great

    Posted: 2008-08-16 15:46:20 #

    Chief Developer

    You are correct. Wonder why no one ever noticed this before. We will correct it in tonight's build
    Posted: 2008-08-16 16:55:16 #
  • Well, I went to the trunk and downloaded the files "template-functions.php" and "user_logoout.php". Now it works (I can log in in protected pages) with the defaut themes. I was using EnsellitisZEN, so I changed to the defaut.

    It is good to read before posting..., isn't it? thanks for the release of the fix 2218!

  • Did you just update those two files? That would not be recommended. Might work this soon after a major release, but in general there will be changes in files which assume changes in other files so the best approach it to install the whole nightly build if you wish to implement a fix.
  • Hello,

    I've the same trouble...

    I'm using the default-theme...

    I've specified a login/password in "Edit album". On line "Album guest user", I've specified a user (Eg: famille), on line "Album password" and "Album password repeat", I've specified a password (Eg : 123456).

    When I'm on the public section of Zenphoto, I see the protected album. When I'm trying to open it, the user/password prompt is displaying but it doesn't work...
    When I specified the same user/password I've specified in the Admin, I'm redirected on the index...

    Can you help me ?


  • I've solved the problem :

    - Download the last nightly built (
    - Delete all the files from your FTP and /album/ if you've not already upload photos.
    - Upload the nightly built
    - Run the and re-type your login database information.
    - Come back to your gallery to test protected albums. For me, it's working :)

    Note : I had test on IE6.0, IE7.0 and Firefox 3.0. I'd test with and without the "Enable Gallery Sessions"

    Sorry for my english. I'm french.

    Zen photo is a good job ! Congratulations and thanks !

  • benP Member
    For me it doesn't work...
  • pierre-henri wrote:
    "I've solved the problem :

    - Download the last nightly built (
    - Delete all the files from your FTP and /album/ if you've not already upload photos.
    What to do if you've already uploaded photos/albums?? Thats my problem.
  • There should be no need to delete images and albums that have been uploaded.
  • I just uploaded template-functions.php and it works; so far so good. Sorry I didn't follow the recommended practice of uploading the whole nightly build ... will do if I hit any other problems.
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