Album Description vs Album Text

Is there a way to have a Short Album description that is shown on each album's listing in albums.php, but then have a longer Album Text that would only be shown when you click on an album? for instance:

Album1 is listed on the main page with a desciption "these are my pictures"

When you enter Album1, you now see a longer description in paragraph form, "These are pictures that I have taken in my travels around the world, from Boston to Prague"

The longer description would screw up my formatting in a listing of subalbums, but it's nicer to have a longer description when you are actually viewing the ablum

Thanks, love Zenphoto so far.



  • There are two approaches to this. You can truncate the long image for your main page descriptions with the function `my_truncate_string()` or you can use the custom data filed to store the shortened descriptions. In either case you have to modify the theme to emit the shortened descriptions.
  • awesome... custom data field should do exactly what I want it to do..

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