Admin Uploads Not Working

I have been able to successfully configure ZP with the following edits: Mod_Rewrite set to false and with the edit to i.php on line 88 of `$fp=fopen($newfile,"w");fclose($fp); ` but I am only able to access images uploaded by FTP into folders. The upload page on in the admin panel doesn't do anything but create a new folder in the albums directory. No images ever get uploaded. I have also tried to upload to an existing folder and nothing happens either. All permissions seem to be 777 for the cache and album and still can't figure it out.


  • Same problem here, but without changing anything in code :(
  • trisweb Administrator
    Do you have php_safe_mode restrictions on? You can find out in a phpinfo()...
  • I can concur, I am having the same problem, I succesfully created the database and am able to login to the setup.php but cannot upload any images without getting line 102 errors on the admin.php and line 114 as well.

    any pointers? sorry im fairly newb at database.
  • Hmmm, nevermind I got this to was something stupid on my end....the permissions (777) were set wrong
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