Popup Window For Original Size Images

Hey, I found a thread created a few years back here: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=593&replies=6 which is what Im wanting to do, only in the most recent version of Zenphoto.
What I want is when a user clicks on the resized picture to open up the original image, instead of it opening on a blank page, have it open on a sized popup window.
Does anyone know how this could be done?
Any help is appreciated.


  • What you are probably looking for is a thickbox effect. Thickbox is included with zenphoto. You can find the documentation for thickbox here: http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/
  • Ive seen one or two Zenphoto themes like that, its kinda what Im after but a bit too flashy. Im wanting just a raw sized popup window.
    The thread I posted seemed to have a solution, but the code is slightly different now.
  • great idea. I use CSS-modified Default Theme and pop-up would probably be easier for Internet/computer-challenged users I have :) Not sure if "close" would be possible as the call is the raw image, not an html file.
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