I used the release of 1.2 as impetus to combine two older installations into one. I used SQL to merge the databases, taking care to correctly renumber and reassign ID values in the images and albums tables. I then copied the album folders from the old installations, created two new albums, and made all of the original albums subalbums of the of new albums. Everything worked -- except subalbum sort.
I'm able to sort the two primary albums, but every attempt to sort the subalbums reverts back to the original, seemingly arbitrary order. I made sure all sorts were set to Manual. I also checked the sort_order values in the albums table, and found them to be correct -- they're just being ignored for some reason. Any suggestions?
I should have checked for the parentid values when I merged the databases. But I don't know why the values were not automatically set when I performed album Move, and this could be a bug with the Move feature.