Dear all,
how do I enable jcarousel on album.php It works fine on image.php.
I read the documentation, I can edit the variables on image.php and the css... all fine.
I copied the jcarousel code on the album.php. I tried all sorts of things with the code, I enabled it for all the possible pages on "theme options"... It just won't appear on album.php.
I tried the same thing on "zenpage" nothing happens either.
Is there something else to it? why can't I just call the function on album.php?
Thank you very much
You can't call it on album.php because it is not made for that. It is made to replace the need of the album page so you have the thumbs with the sized image. You will have to make your own custom version of the plugin.
a hint ?
On Image.php for example:
<?php if (hasPrevImage()) { ?>
<?php echo html_encode(getPrevImageURL()); ?>
<?php } if (hasNextImage()) { ?>
<?php echo html_encode(getNextImageURL()); ?>"
You'd probably have to rig your album page up with some custom calls, since ZenPhoto would likely be unable to make any sense of a call like..:
$img = $_zp_current_image->getPrevImage();
from the album page.
Anyhow..just a shot in the dark without having a test case in front of me, but hopefully a good hint if you want some ideas on how to get something going.
Frankly, from what it sounds to me, It sounds like you want a carousel of images above your normal album photos so the user doesn't have to scroll or move their mouse, right?
If that were the case...and you don't mind a dirty little solution...grab up the jCarousel jQuery plugin ( and do the following:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
wrap: 'circular'
Then just wrap your thumbs in the included list elements by modifying their generation functions (I did something very similar for a jQuery LazyLoad setup):
That is why it will probably not be part of 1.4.6 anymore if I manage to get the replacement ready. Together with the slideshow plugin it will become a new plugin while retaining the current function names:
A little more featureful version:
Good advice though...and it'll probablly be a nice simplification to update it and have it manage the jobs that currently take up multiple plugins.
I haven't come round to try the new possibilities, cause I've been on something else...
I will start on that issue tomorrow.
One more thing: since I'm rather a newby, where do I find the support build. is it GitHub?
Thank you!