popular images + css


When I use:

<?php printImageStatistic(5, "popular",'','','','','', "hitcounter"); ?>

I get the 5 most viewed images, but I get them all below each other with a dot in front of them. I want them next to each other without the dot :). I know it can be done with css, but i can't figure out how.

Something like:

#popular { display: block;
list-style-type: none; }

does not work. Can someone please help this newbie?

much appreciated,


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to address the list like this: `#popular ul` and/or ` #popular ul li`then it should work. The list is printed like this ``

    The div is just to have more options to style this out of the box, of course the div is not really necessary and maybe I should change that...
  • Thanks acrylian!
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