How can I disable exif (image_info)?

Hello, I'm painter and I use Zenphoto for to show my pictures, How can I disable Exif (image_info)?
can I do it from admin? or I need to remove any code? where is it placed?

thanks a lot


  • look for calls on the function `getImageEXIFData()` in the theme. If that is not there look for `printImageMetadata()`. This is the code you want to disable.
  • Thanks for your reply

    I comment the code with "getImageEXIFData()" and "rintImageMetadata()", but now there are a text under picture: "Fatal error: Call to undefined function getimageexifdata() in /home/.../themes/default/image.php on line 54"

    How can I disable exif without this text?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It should be enough to just delete those two functions from your image.php
  • Thanks again; now Exif is disabled

    First time I looked for getImageEXIFData() in the wrong place, I looked for it in template-functions.php

    Zenphoto is great, and with an editable image_info (changing Exif for editable text)would be perfect.

    Best regards`
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Good that you got it working. But what do you mean with "with an editable image_info (changing Exif for editable text)would be perfect"?
  • well, as I said in my first post, I'm painter, I show photos of my work, but information about photo is not useful in my web site.

    I need an option to open a window in each image with information about my work (technique, size, tittle), something optional, something like "image_info" but with editable information.

    You know what I mean?

    (sorry for my bad english)
  • That is something you will have to build yourself. But, you could use the code for image_info that you removed as a model.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I understand. You don't need to use this `get/printImageEXIFData()` function. This is just the standard setup. We have separate functions to call all those fields directly like `getImageLocation()`. Even if it is called "location" actually, you of course can write "technique" in your theme for example. Can you follow? You of course would need to change your theme for that. You find all info about those functions on our functions guide.
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