How to remove authentication


Does anyone know how to remove authentication in zenPhoto - i have a controlled environment and would like any user on the site (zenPhoto) to upload or edit images.

I did find this - but the line numbers don't match (must be a older version they referring to). So if anyone knows how to remove authentication on zenPhoto version 1.2 [2213] than please drop me a line.

much appreciated

BTW - zenPhoto is awesome, nice work guys.


  • in functions.php there is a functon called `checkAuthorization()`.

    towards the beginning of that function there is a line that reads:
    `$admins = getAdministrators();`
    insert after that line
    `$_zp_current_admin = $admins[0]; return $_zp_current_admin['rights'];`

    This assumes that you have created an admin user.
  • Hi sbillard

    Thanks for response - worked like a charm!

  • You might want to consider that it will be easier on you in the long run to create a user/password for your people. Once they login, the credentials will be saved in a cookie, so they need login only once.

    Additionally, even though I am sure you trust everyone, you might prefer to reserve the User admin rights for yourself. Give the others only the rights they need.

    Finally, of course, if you assign user/passwords you won't have to remember to make that change every time you update zenphoto.
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