3 Galleries

Hello, I am trying to create a site for a friend of mine who is an amateur photographer. He wants three different and separate galleries on his site, all with their own gallery names, info and albums. Is there any way to do this with ZenPhoto? Is there separate sub-galleries I am somehow missing?
Or can I just install three copies of ZenPhoto on the same webserver (different folders and SQL databases I suppose).
If I do have to use three galleries, might there be any issues with the galleries confusing or corrupting one another?
Any help or advice would be great, thanks in advance.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Why don't you just use three top level albums with subalbums in each? I would like to suggest that just make a test installation.
  • You have to install zenphoto three times if you want separate galleries. You do not need separate databases as you can assign a different table prefix to each of the galleries.

    Install in separate subfolders. Works fine.
  • ah, thanks very much for the tips... I will give it a go.
  • what's the reason for having 3 galleries? because you can change themes for each album anyways if that's the case.
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