languages support.

I'm not sure this is neccessary to all the people, but for me it will be nice to have a possibility to have picture (and gallery) description in 2 (or more) languages.

Also I vote for sub-galeries and EXIF datas.
Yse, and tags for the photo will be good (A like the way we have tags for the topics on this forum). and a random picture will be also nice.

And just a question, how often ZenPhoto creates a thumbnails? Once or on album-saving, or how? (I use frames on my photos, and it's looks ugly after resize).
So is it possible somehow to avoid automatic generation of thumbnails? (or if them generated once, can I replace them myself)?

PS. For me picture editing (like rotation, filename generation, cropping etc...) is nice, but you can do it in any graphical editor, so for me it's better if Zenphoto's features will progress in "visual" direction (sub-albums etc), which we couldn't do ourselfs...



  • knn Member
    I think alot about this. And I have one idea:
    if we'll save in BD in description something like
    <lang id="EN" text ="Description in english"/> <lang id="CN" text ="Description in chaineese"/>
    and little bit modify functions like GetImageDescription(lang) probably this will work?
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