Moving Albums / SubAlbums... (1.2)

Tried the new feature in 1.2 for the first time today, but it did not work... Specifically, I tried to move one album into another... I got an error message that the album folder that I was trying to move (or rather, this folder in it's new location) could not be found... I also lost all data (tags, comments, etc...) related to all images within that album...

Is moving albums possible (the feature is there, so I assume it should work), or is this only possible for individual images?


  • Hmmm... Just tried moving an individual image to a new location, and again it did not work (it told me there was an error...)

    Are there any specific requirements (settings in ZENphoto or on the server) for moving images?
  • Please try the nightly build. There have been some fixes to move/copy/rename
  • Will do, thanks...
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