Thumbnails not loading...Full images load...

Sorry I think there is a post about something similar to this, i couldnt find it. I am kinda out of it right now and couldnt think of proper words to search with...
The images dont get cashed.
The link to the full image works and the image loads...


  • code Member
    Okay it seems, there COULD be a bug...Its something with the image itself... But it looks fine when on full image, so I think it has something to do with the cache/thumbnail code maybe?

    I exported in Adobe Lightroom, maybe that has something to do with it?

    Edit: I used FTP and I uploaded a diff image and it works fine for that smaller image (i deleted it tho; it was not exported through adobe lightroom)
  • Porbably is the size of the image. There has been a fix for this in the nightly build. If that build does not solve the issue you will have to resize your images smaller.
  • code Member
    Which nightly build? The one coming up tonight? Or a past one. Ill download the most current one (last night)
  • Last night's will be fine. The fix has been out a few days.
  • code Member
    I think your right about the size. They are too large. This is the first time I uploaded something exported from Adobe Lightroom and the JPG sizes are like 5 to 8MB in size, normally they are 2-5MB in size, i dunno what happened but they are much larger now...ill have to re-size them...thanks :)
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