i read some posts about video and some users want to embed video in (like youtube video) photo gallery, i also think it's not a good idea but i have an another one,
maybe in image description or in a comment a video could be great, i added some tags in comment config in admin panel(like embed, div) but i have not successed yet
any idea ?
object => (width => () height => ())
param => (name => () value => ())
embed => (src => () type => () allowfullscreen => () width => () height => ())
Then you could add the following embed code to an image description to display a YouTube video.
i tried the code and works perfect for image area but one problem is that youtube video appears in "LastComments" at frontpage is it possible to remove these code in frontpage from Latest Comments function
i designed a template for a project and i put the "Latest Comments" in frontpage, i couldnt find a way to publish videos but your solution was good if we achieved to clean or filter some codes from frontpage <?php echo gettext('Latest Comments'); ?>
can you help?
exmple code
<embed id="mymovie" width="480" height="310" flashvars="bwr=0&skinXML=http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/cne_flash/production/eidothea/release/eidotheaEmbedded480_169.xml&playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=16.9&mapp=embedded_480&gen=1&uvp=http://vidtech.cbsinteractive.com/player/1_3_2/CBSI_PLAYER.swf&adp=http://vidtech.cbsinteractive.com/plugins/adp/1_3_2/CBSI_AdPlugin.swf&smode=fit&viewMode=sd&autoPlay=false&paramsXML=http://uk.gamespot.com/pages/video_player/xml.php?id=6210551&mode=embedded&width=480&height=310&newplayer=1" wmode="opaque" allowscriptaccess="always" scale="noScale" salign="lt" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" name="mymovie" style="" src="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/cne_flash/production/eidothea/release/eidothea.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>