Installed, created, now what?

My home page is now gone. I installed finally and created an album, but how do you work it into your webpage? What happened to my home page? :(

I can't figure out what user guide or where to go to find out the information.


  • It sounds like you installed zenphoto into the root of your website. You probably want to install it in a subdirectory such as /zenphoto. If you extract the compressed zenphoto file in your website root folder, this will happen by default. What software are you using for your website?
  • All of the files are in a "zenphoto" folder. I installed them in the htdocs/zenphoto, and I killed my better half's page....eeek...the main page is his. Then I deleted that folder and saved all of the files in my sub domain page. I can pull up the gallery, but my page doesn't come up. Actually, the index.html page does come maybe that's okay. I have a "designs" page with a list of categories which are linked. How do I link the "children" category to my "children" gallery? Must be a path.....
  • This is the code I'm using in the page the link takes you to:

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/xml; charset=utf-8" />
    <link rel = "stylesheet"
    type = "text/css"/>


    I can't figure out what I'm missing?
  • the link to the gallery came out....I'm guessing that's a zenphoto forum thing...

    after the h1 I have an a href relative to the gallery for children.
  • I'm obviously really tired...I figured it out....what a duh
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