I have the same problem. I tried: IE7/windows , firefox/windows and firefox/linux with flash installed and working on other websites. I use the night build zenphoto-2008-09-04-trunk
I am sorry, I can't reproduce it. Do you get any errors in your log maybye? Do you really have the right plugins? Please also note that only one player should be activated at a time. And a link to the site would help.
Sorry, we did some research and somehow the flowplayer plugin does not work with the stopdesign theme. But for us the flvplayer does work. So please try that for now. I will open a ticket so that we don't forget about this.
I tried: IE7/windows , firefox/windows and firefox/linux with flash installed and working on other websites.
I use the night build zenphoto-2008-09-04-trunk
Thanks for your help
only one player plugin activated: flowplayer
right plugins? I downloaded the night build
here is the link to the video page:
thanks for your time
Well, I can indeed reproduce this with flowplayer, but only in this theme (stopdesign). We will investigate that.
Thanks you very much