Hi all
I have just created an album. However now when I load the website the 1st page just has name of album and I have to click on it to go to the album.
Is there a way to go straight to 1st album on site load?
Right now loads to here when I type the web address
http://microfibrecatalogue.com.au/I want it to load to this page when I type in the web address
* This plugin will intercept the load process and force references to the index page to
* the the single album of the installation
* @package plugins
* @author Stephen Billard (sbillard)
* @subpackage media
$plugin_is_filter = 5|CLASS_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext('Forces a defined album as the index page.');
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
zp_register_filter('load_request', 'forceAlbum');
function forceAlbum($success) {
// we presume that the site only serves the one album.
$_zp_gallery = new Gallery();
$_zp_current_album = $_zp_gallery->getAlbums();
$_GET['album'] = array_shift($_zp_current_album);
return $success;
But you may wish to do some theme modifications since things like breadcrumbs will still think there is an index page and you will have multiple links to the same album page as a result.
I am still lost as I am not a PHP guy and not sure where to put that plugin or do the meta refresh!
Is there anyone who can do the theme modification for me and make the album load directly? I am happy to pay for this work if someone is able to do this.