ajax rating

i would like to see ajax rating in the future, it would give the script a more 2008 feeling & the page doesnt have to refresh after a vote.

it shouldnt be to hard to implent according to this site



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We/I originally had a mixture of that and this http://www.yvoschaap.com/index.php/weblog/css_star_rater_ajax_version/ (was easier to adapt) in I believe 1.1 that is linked on the page you mention. But we ran into trouble later because it did not work reliable for everyone, so we changed back to a little old style and more reliable way of working.

    Since it's a plugin and if you want to give it a try yourself you are welcome..:-)
  • unfortunately my php skills are very limited, thats why i posted it in "Feature Requests", maybe something for 1.3 or 2.0? *big puppy eyes* :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I don't really look at the categories like "feature request" since I mostly read via RSS in the forum.
    Well, who could resist those "big puppy eyes"...:-) We will put it on the list (the long one..:-)).
  • im still looking for this feature. now i just found this page:


    i don't know if this is easy to intergrate with zenphoto. it looks easy, but not easy enough for me :) maybe you can have a look at this site. it might be of use.

    thank you in advance
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sounds generally good and is based on the one we originally had. We will take a look at that but It will only be after 1.2.1 is out.
  • thanks a lot mate
  • have you already taken a look at the link i gave you?

    don't want to push you or anything, but i really would like to have this feature as you might have figured out :)

    or should i make a ticket for it?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have taken a look but currently other things have priority. So yes, please open a ticket. And if you really can't wait you can always try yourself, it's a plugin...:-)
  • Has anyone managed to get ajax ratings implemented on their zenphoto? I've tried myself but I'm getting nowhere.. but then again I have no idea what I'm doing!

    Thanks for any help :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Our rating plugin was once ajaxifyied but it caused problem not working properly on some browsers so we removed it to have it at least working. There were not much complains actually so as stated above we have it on our list, but not really as a priority. If you want to try yourself that is welcome, you should take the current plugin as a starting point.
  • I've tried my best but I didn't get anywhere trying to do it myself.. you wouldn't by any chance have a copy of the plugin the way it was when it was ajaxed, even if it didn't work 100%? Sorry for the bother.. I'm so used to ajax ratings that it's weird to have the page refresh for it with this :P
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't remember in which Zenphoto version that was but it will most likely not work with the current version anyway. But you can try to download an older Zenphoto version and try it. Besides that fact that it used scriptaculous/prototype that we will not have on board with the next version.
    Sorry, otherwise you will have to be patient, as I said it's on the list (And it will be jQuery then) but there are currently more important things to do than this.
  • cheering for ozh


    thanks for giving it a try! you go girl! well i hope you are a girl, 20 years, blonde, cup DD, will you marry me?
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