I'd like to have an image shown on every page (not just image.php)...
On index.php I'd like to have a random image shown (above thumbnails for albums) selected at random from ALL albums...
On album.php I'd like to have a random image shown (above thumbnails for albums) selected at random from all SUB-albums...
How do I achieve this?
(Also, on image.php I'd like to have a fixed number of thumbnails shown below the main image, but that's another issue...)
( work-in-progress:
http://mkiv.kjtooke.dyndns.org/ )
<?php printRandomImages(6); ?>
Is there anyway of incorporating the following into this script:
if (getFullWidth() === getFullHeight() OR getFullWidth() > getFullHeight()) {
printCustomSizedImage(getImageTitle(), null, 600, null, null, null, null, null, 'reflect');
else {
printCustomSizedImage(getImageTitle(), null, null , 400, null, null, null, null, 'reflect');
This is fine for index.php, but for album.php I want it limited to the current album and/or any subalbums.
Is there a setting or fix for this?
As for adding the code above, just put it in your version of the script.
this only happens when I'm logged in - when logged out it works as expected.
as I'm not on the relevent url for whatever random pic is selected, is there a way of manually passing the random pic url to these functions?
I need a way of setting the size of the image so it fits inside a 600px wide by 400px tall canvas without cropping
$size is limited to width (whereas I need height)
Just one last thing I'd like to try to incorporate with regards to random images:
How do I get a random images from (limited to) the search results? I'd like to display this above the thumbs on the search results page (so that it matches the rest of the theme pages).