There is not a class assigned to a li in the print album menu. I think I found a fault in the print_album_menu.php in line 384 `$link = "` Should be: `$link = "`
Hm, I don't think: ` if(getAlbumID() === $album->getAlbumID()) { $link = "".$album->getTitle().$count; } else { $link = "name)."' title='".html_encode($album->getTitle())."'>".htmlspecialchars($album->getTitle())."".$count; } ` The class that is assigned to the first is only meant to style the active menu entry if you are in that album. It is passed from within the main functions as `"class='class'"` if set (around line 159). I think that is correct that way, the other `` you could style vai via the main ul class like `.class ul li`.
if(getAlbumID() === $album->getAlbumID()) {
$link = "".$album->getTitle().$count;
} else {
$link = "name)."' title='".html_encode($album->getTitle())."'>".htmlspecialchars($album->getTitle())."".$count;
The class that is assigned to the first is only meant to style the active menu entry if you are in that album. It is passed from within the main functions as `"class='class'"` if set (around line 159). I think that is correct that way, the other `` you could style vai via the main ul class like `.class ul li`.