Want Help With ZenPhoto URGENT

I was using gallery2 with the collection of 400000 pictures and really it was a nice script and have all the features i want. But i decided to move to the ZenPhoto for some reasons. and when i deleted my whole gallery and installed the ZenPhoto. it is giving me a very slow perfomance.

So Guys i need help in making of the world's largest picture gallery with ZenPhoto.

here is the list of my problems.

1.) when i first open a album it is showing me randomize folders not in the alphanatically order. (if i manual sorf the front page)
actually i want to manual sort the front page of gallery and else i want to auto sort by name and the picture by date added descending.
and i cant access further folder in Admin >>> EDIT when i click on it firefox start a endless loading and after some time it stop the process. so i cant sort the folders manually. *** I think ZenPhoto cant handle my collection of 400000 Photos ***

2.) i want to show the total number (size) of albums and pictures with the album name (front Page). Subalbums too

3.) I want to show how many times image or album is viewed in the front page with the name of album.

4.) how can i use the print menu with AJAX. like if anyone click on a female celebrities album then it will show all the sub albums of this category. i want to show only one sub album at the time.

Pls Frnds Try solve my problems



  • Sorry i forget to mention the site name it is
  • Your site performance seems pretty good at least to a visitor. Also, zenphoto caches images and thumbs as they are first discovered. Performance gets better once the caching has occurred.

    #1. By default Zenphoto will load image thumbnails into its album thumbnail selector. With so many images in an album you might wish to disable this feature. There is an option, `visual thumb selection`, to do so on the gallery configuration tab.

    The sort options for the main gallery are in the gallery & image configuration pages, so you can select the sort direction and type there. If you wish a different sort type and direction for some albums then you would have to go to that album's edit page.

    #2, 3. There are functions that will return these numbers that you can add to your theme. The most commonly used functions are described in this document http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/functions/_template-functions.php.html. Zenphoto is a object based implementation so you can also directly access attributes of the album and image objects. If you explore the object documentation you will see what capabilities they expose.

    #4. Ajax is used to support some zenphoto capabilities so you can add to those as you see fit.
  • Thx for reply brother.

    i disable the visual thumb but still getting the same problem when i go to edit a albums it is loading loading and loading

    in my weapons and ammo category there are only 15 pictures and no subalbum. when i press the edit button. it shows me the property of that album bat the loading cant stop i wait for 10 minutes but the loading still is in processing

    i m upload a screen shot of that plss check it and tell me what is the problem y it is not showing me the full loaded page


    Please solve my problem brother

  • Can you tell what the page is trying to load? There really is no reason why loading that page should take more than a second or two. Are there any CGI errors in your log?

    The only other suggestion is to install the current nightly build to see if the problem may have been corrected.
  • Hi Sbillard,

    i tried the nightly build but its not working. got the same problem

    after all this i remove some code frome the admin-functions.php


    function genAlbumUploadList(&$list, $curAlbum=NULL) {
    global $gallery;
    $albums = array();
    if (is_null($curAlbum)) {
    $albumsprime = $gallery->getAlbums(0);
    foreach ($albumsprime as $album) { // check for rights
    if (isMyAlbum($album, UPLOAD_RIGHTS)) {
    $albums[] = $album;
    } else {
    $albums = $curAlbum->getSubAlbums(0);
    if (is_array($albums)) {
    foreach ($albums as $folder) {
    $album = new Album($gallery, $folder);
    if (!$album->isDynamic()) {
    $list[$album->getFolder()] = $album->getTitle();
    genAlbumUploadList($list, $album); /* generate for subalbums */


    echo gettext("Tags:");
    $tagsort = getTagOrder();
    tagSelector($album, 'tags_'.$prefix, false, $tagsort);

    <label for="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>move" style="padding-right: .5em">
    <input type="radio" id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>move" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>MoveCopyRename" value="move"
    onclick="toggleAlbumMoveCopyRename('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', 'movecopy');"/>
    <?php echo gettext("Move");?>
    <label for="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>copy" style="padding-right: .5em">
    <input type="radio" id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>copy" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>MoveCopyRename" value="copy"
    onclick="toggleAlbumMoveCopyRename('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', 'movecopy');"/>
    <?php echo gettext("Copy");?>
    <label for="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>rename" style="padding-right: .5em">
    <input type="radio" id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>rename" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>MoveCopyRename" value="rename"
    onclick="toggleAlbumMoveCopyRename('<?php echo $prefix; ?>', 'rename');"/>
    <?php echo gettext("Rename Folder");?>

    <div id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>movecopydiv" style="padding-top: .5em; padding-left: .5em; display: none;">
    <?php echo gettext("to"); ?>: <select id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>albumselectmenu" name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>albumselect" onChange="">
    <option value="" selected="selected">/</option>
    foreach ($mcr_albumlist as $fullfolder => $albumtitle) {
    $singlefolder = $fullfolder;
    $saprefix = "";
    $salevel = 0;
    $selected = "";
    if ($album->name == $fullfolder) {
    // Get rid of the slashes in the subalbum, while also making a subalbum prefix for the menu.
    while (strstr($singlefolder, '/') !== false) {
    $singlefolder = substr(strstr($singlefolder, '/'), 1);
    $saprefix = "    " . $saprefix;
    echo '<option value="' . $fullfolder . '"' . ($salevel > 0 ? ' style="background-color: '.$bglevels[$salevel].';"' : '')
    . "$selected>". $saprefix . $singlefolder ."</option>\n";
    <p style="text-align: right;">
    ', '');"><?php echo gettext("Cancel");?>
    <div id="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>renamediv" style="padding-top: .5em; padding-left: .5em; display: none;">
    <?php echo gettext("to"); ?>: <input name="a-<?php echo $prefix; ?>renameto" type="text" size="35" value="<?php echo basename($album->name);?>"/>
    <p style="text-align: right; padding: .25em 0px;">
    ', '');"><?php echo gettext("Cancel");?>


    echo "\n<select id=\"album_theme\" class=\"album_theme\" name=\"".$prefix."album_theme\" ";
    if (!($_zp_loggedin & (ADMIN_RIGHTS | THEMES_RIGHTS))) echo "DISABLED ";
    echo ">";
    $themes = $gallery->getThemes();
    $oldtheme = $album->getAlbumTheme();
    if (empty($oldtheme)) {
    echo "<option value = \"\" selected=\"SELECTED\" />";
    } else {
    echo "<option value = \"\" />";
    echo "</option>";

    foreach ($themes as $theme=>$themeinfo) {
    echo "<option value = \"$theme\"";
    if ($oldtheme == $theme) {
    echo "selected = \"SELECTED\"";
    echo " />";
    echo $themeinfo['name'];
    echo "</option>";
    echo "\n</select>";


    $showThumb = getOption('thumb_select_images');
    if ($showThumb) echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">updateThumbPreview(document.getElementById('thumbselect'));</script>";
    echo "\n<select id=\"thumbselect\"";
    if ($showThumb) echo " class=\"thumbselect\" onChange=\"updateThumbPreview(this)\"";
    echo " name=\"".$prefix."thumb\">";
    if ($album->isDynamic()) {
    $params = $album->getSearchParams();
    $search = new SearchEngine();
    $images = $search->getImages(0);
    $thumb = $album->get('thumb');
    $imagelist = array();
    foreach ($images as $imagerow) {
    $folder = $imagerow['folder'];
    $filename = $imagerow['filename'];
    $imagelist[] = '/'.$folder.'/'.$filename;
    $subalbums = $search->getAlbums(0);
    foreach ($subalbums as $folder) {
    $newalbum = new Album($gallery, $folder);
    if (!$newalbum->isDynamic()) {
    $images = $newalbum->getImages(0);
    foreach ($images as $filename) {
    $imagelist[] = '/'.$folder.'/'.$filename;
    foreach ($imagelist as $imagepath) {
    $list = explode('/', $imagepath);
    $filename = $list[count($list)-1];
    $folder = implode('/', $list);
    $albumx = new Album($gallery, $folder);
    $image = new Image($albumx, $filename);
    $selected = ($imagepath == $thumb);
    echo "\n<option";
    if ($showThumb) {
    echo " class=\"thumboption\"";
    echo " style=\"background-image: url(" . $image->getThumb() . "); background-repeat: no-repeat;\"";
    echo " value=\"".$imagepath."\"";
    if ($selected) {
    echo " selected=\"selected\"";
    echo ">" . $image->getTitle();
    echo " ($imagepath)";
    echo "</option>";
    } else {
    $thumb = $album->get('thumb');
    echo "\n<option";
    if ($showThumb) echo " class=\"thumboption\" value=\"\" style=\"background-color:#B1F7B6\"";
    if (empty($thumb)) {
    echo " selected=\"selected\"";
    echo '>'.gettext('randomly selected');
    echo '</option>';
    if (count($album->getSubalbums()) > 0) {
    $imagearray = array();
    $albumnames = array();
    $strip = strlen($album->name) + 1;
    $subIDs = getAllSubAlbumIDs($album->name);
    if(!is_null($subIDs)) {
    foreach ($subIDs as $ID) {
    $albumnames[$ID['id']] = $ID['folder'];
    $query = 'SELECT `id` , `albumid` , `filename` , `title` FROM '.prefix('images').' WHERE `albumid` = "'.
    $ID['id'] .'"';
    $imagearray = array_merge($imagearray, query_full_array($query));
    foreach ($imagearray as $imagerow) {
    $filename = $imagerow['filename'];
    $folder = $albumnames[$imagerow['albumid']];
    $imagepath = substr($folder, $strip).'/'.$filename;
    if (substr($imagepath, 0, 1) == '/') { $imagepath = substr($imagepath, 1); }
    $albumx = new Album($gallery, $folder);
    $image = new Image($albumx, $filename);
    if (is_valid_image($filename)) {
    $selected = ($imagepath == $thumb);
    echo "\n<option";
    if (getOption('thumb_select_images')) {
    echo " class=\"thumboption\"";
    echo " style=\"background-image: url(" . $image->getThumb() . "); background-repeat: no-repeat;\"";
    echo " value=\"".$imagepath."\"";
    if ($selected) {
    echo " selected=\"selected\"";
    echo ">" . $image->getTitle();
    echo " ($imagepath)";
    echo "</option>";
    } else {
    $images = $album->getImages();
    foreach ($images as $filename) {
    $image = new Image($album, $filename);
    $selected = ($filename == $album->get('thumb'));
    if (is_valid_image($filename)) {
    echo "\n<option";
    if (getOption('thumb_select_images')) {
    echo " class=\"thumboption\"";
    echo " style=\"background-image: url(" . $image->getThumb() . "); background-repeat: no-repeat;\"";
    echo " value=\"" . $filename . "\"";
    if ($selected) {
    echo " selected=\"selected\"";
    echo ">" . $image->getTitle();
    if ($filename != $image->getTitle()) {
    echo " ($filename)";
    echo "</option>";


    echo "\n<td valign=\"top\" width=30% style=\"padding: 0px 30px 0px 30px;\">";
    echo "<form name=\"cache_images\" action=\"admin-cache-images.php\" method=\"post\">";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"album\" value=" . urlencode($album->name) . ">";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"return\" value=" . urlencode($album->name) . ">";
    echo "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"tooltip\" id='edit_cache' title=\"".gettext("Cache newly uploaded images.")."\"><img src=\"images/cache.png\" style=\"border: 0px;\" />";
    echo " ".gettext("Pre-Cache Images")."</Button>";
    echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"clear\" checked=\"checked\" /> ".gettext("Clear");
    echo "</form>\n</td>";

    echo "\n<td valign=\"top\" width = 30% style=\"padding: 0px 30px 0px 30px;\">";
    echo "<form name=\"refresh_metadata\" action=\"admin-refresh-metadata.php\"?album=" . urlencode($album->name) . "\" method=\"post\">";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"album\" value=" . urlencode($album->name) . ">";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"return\" value=" . urlencode($album->name) . ">";
    echo "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"tooltip\" id='edit_refresh' title=\"".gettext("Forces a refresh of the EXIF and IPTC data for all images in the album.")."\"><img src=\"images/warn.png\" style=\"border: 0px;\" /> ".gettext("Refresh Metadata")."</button>";
    echo "</form>";
    echo "\n</td>";

    echo "\n<td valign=\"top\" width = 30% style=\"padding: 0px 30px 0px 30px;\">";
    echo "</form>";
    echo "<form name=\"reset_hitcounters\" action=\"?action=reset_hitcounters\"" . " method=\"post\">";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"reset_hitcounters\">";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"albumid\" value=" . $album->getAlbumID() . ">";
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"return\" value=" . urlencode($album->name) . ">";
    echo "<button type=\"submit\" class=\"tooltip\" id='edit_hitcounter' title=\"".gettext("Resets all hitcounters in the album.")."\"><img src=\"images/reset.png\" style=\"border: 0px;\" /> ".gettext("Reset hitcounters")."</button>";
    echo "</form>";
    echo "\n</tr>\n</table>";

    and now it is working fine. i think there is something which is heavy to load. pls try to solve it coz many of the others users may face the same problem

    now one thing more brothers.

    i have lots of sub albums so it is very hard for a user to jum over the galleries. so is there any option in Print menu plugin which will dispplay the list of subalbums under the album name. i m new on the zen and the php so pls could u provide me the code of that

    Thanks Again
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Until now we have no other report for your issue. All we can do is to take a look, but without reproducing it's quite hard.

    i have lots of sub albums so it is very hard for a user to jum over the galleries. so is there any option in Print menu plugin which will dispplay the list of subalbums under the album name. i m new on the zen and the php so pls could u provide me the code of that
    PrintAlbumMenu has several options for the list (toplevel+subalbums, only topalbums, context sensitive, or only subalbums): http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/plugins/_plugins---print_album_menu.php.html.
  • It is very difficult from your post to know what you did. Can you be more brief on what change you made?
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