v2370 URLs in description

[a href="http://myphotos.mydomain.com/zen/index.php?album=1996sanFrancisco"]1996[/a] does not form a URL within the Resized Image description. the URL points to where the actual subfolder is. I'm doing a workaround because ZP uses album.php to display subalbums when viewing the index pages (index.php)

[] used to be able to display code within this message


  • Can you elaborate on this a bit? Are you using mod_rewrite? Which page are you viewing where the link does not work? Is the link to an album or a sub-album? What was your workaround? Thanks.
  • been absent from ZP so just reading your post. Normally within an image descriiption a URL can be included, if properly formed. When I went to use it this time (posting of message) it didn't form but showed the code. Can't remember mod_rewrite or not until I do next update and see. I've not intentionally turned on if it is.

    Page was the resized image page in my album. Shouldn't matter if album or sub. URLs in the past (afer original fix) were working. Workaround: was posting this message. I've not had a chance to do anyting due to time commitments.
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