Spacing problems with IE 5 & 6

I'm having some spacing issues on IE 5 & 6 on the image page. I'm using some customization so I'm not sure if it generally happens.

Here is the link if anyone can lend a hand...


  • Can you describe the "spacing issues" you are having with IE 5 & 6?
  • Sure,

    The main image and the custom thumbnails overlap and the ad at the top of the page is cut off.

    If you like you can go to...

    and look at...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I am not surprise about IE 5 at all... Looks like a the box model issue, there is a conflict between the padding and margin I would think. (Sorry, I am mac user, so I can't really help. btw, I use this great tool also frequently...:-))
  • Thanks,

    I'm a mac user too. At the end of the day I can't be too bothered trying to make the site look good for people who use outdated browsers. I might play around with the margins a bit.

    Yeah, the net renderer is great and saves me from having to run Fusion.
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