I'm still in development stage, but already getting unwanted comments (spams).
1) how come I can see them only 1 at a time in the admin, so I have to remove them one by one? Is there a parameter somewhere to display more comments per page?
2) is there a way to block comments, either any comments for the time being, or comments from unregistered visitors? or apply moderation before they are published?
Thanks for helping.
1b) No option to change the comments per page available.
2) Options > plugins > comment_form plus various spam filter plugins
1a) yes, I saw the bulk actions. But I don't understand how it can work as only one comment is displayed per page.
2) I'll have a look at the plugins. You mean there is no possibility to block every comment? If I want to deactivate them momentarily, I have to remove to comment form from album and image pages?
NB: that's not the first time I've seen this on ZP forum, but I didn't receive any notification of an answer to my thread.
2) trivialspam plugin Unless you subscribe to the forum or at least a topic's RSS feed you will not get notifications.
2) I can see my initial message in the RSS feed I subscribed to. But none of the answers.
2) Just tried with this topic and I see all entries. Try the general rss feed, that for sure contains everything.
I was looking for something alike for comments, but didn't find anything.
2) Will subscribe to the general feed to see whether it's different.
But also very surprising is the update time is completely different between both feeds: in the general feed, the messages appear to have been posted (or updated) 8 hours ago!
2) No idea, since it works for me. The feed displays the time of the server of course. For it is around 8 hours back.