Past Post: well, I dunno the problem, but I do believe new versions of zenphoto is taking up too much memory...some how, even modifying the php.ini file doesnt work (for me)...
I insisted that it did work in the past but not anymore..
GO HERE: the file, upload it to the latest zenphoto and see if its too big for you... It wont work for my current version (nightly build) last night
I went down the nightly build list and downlaoded an older version (randomly picked) and it works...
So... I am keeping this version
zenphoto version 1.1.6 [1567]
`// Set the memory limit higher just in case -- supress errors if user doesn't have control.
/*if (ini_get('memory_limit') < '128M') {*/
Admin Created, photos uploaded...nothing else changed except for one thing... 1.1.6 [1567] 1.2 [2398]
I modified i.php and functions.php on the 1.2 version to modify the memory limit:
// Set the memory limit higher just in case -- supress errors if user doesn't have control.
I did that, but as you can see from the sites, its still not working...
Any ideas?
I downloaded a program to compare files, I think the website here does the same but dunno how to work it :P
I compared my two zenphoto galleries, and wow some files have huge differences, some look almost completly re-written (for the most part)
I wouldn't even know where to look for a bug... :S
I guess we have to wait what the other devs say..
The proper place to make this change is in the PHP.ini. We will not be making an option for it, partly because we don't necessarily want to add to the memory footprint to get the option handler into i.php so it can figure out how much memory to request.
I did learn one thing, though, in the process. The value you place in the INI `memory_limit` (either in the zenphoto code or the PHI.ini file.) can at best be considered an advisement. For instance, I can set `memory_limit` to 768M, to 512M, or to 96M and PHP will parrot back this value to me. But the server never seems to be allocating more than around 64M no matter what the `memory_limit` was set to. (I guess it could be set smaller than 64M, but I did not try that.)
So, take the `memory_limit` value with a grain of salt. Maybe you will get that much memory or maybe you will not. In the end, if you are getting allocation errors you will have to make smaller images to start with.