nestable tags

Howdy developers-

Any plans for a nestable (i.e. hierarchical) tag system?

My use would be for a page with all tags listed, so they would see:


and also

---->rocky mountain national park
---->mount rainier national park

so that people could search by location or description.

I realize this would take some database additions and a more robust tag management system in the admin.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No plans yet, but feel free to open a feature request ticket.
  • thanks, will do.
  • You could just use boolean searches:
    `landscapes & waterfalls`
    `colorado & rockyu mountain national park`
  • I could use the boolean search, but what I'm really after is a function call that prints all the tags out into a list.

    I'd like to take a stab at implementing it. If anyone (i.e. sbillard) could quickly point me to the admin area for the tags that would probably save me some time (if you know it quickly, otherwise I'm sure I can find it).

    I'll figure out what it would take for the database to accomodate it first.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Another question: I have never seen tags with hierachical structure, I guess it's not common for tags. This is more common for categories and that would be our albums. Couldn't you use a combination?

    Also another way would be to write a function that searches for the tag "landscape" for example and lists all tags that are also attached to items that have "landscape". This would not require any hacking of the core and could be done as a plugin or theme custom function using `getAllTagsCount()` (functions.php).
  • I think it would be a major undertaking to implement this. But you can give it a try. There are two tables associated with tags--one which has the tags name and one which associates objects to the tag. You would have to add somenow the heirarchy to the first.

    Then you would have to implement the visual management of the heiarachy in admin-tags.

    And you would have to deal with the heirarchy in the tag search routine.

    Like acrylian says, I have not seen any heirachal tags in other software. Certainly not in the IPTC structure which is one source of the tags.

    I really think you should find a different approach.
  • I think you all are right, I hadn't thought of the fact that the IPTC structure doesn't support it. Not worth my time at this point.

    I think the combination of album names and tags probably gets the job done.
  • I hate to bump an old thread, but I'm actually looking for this feature. I recognize it's not common (although I'll cite examples in a moment), nor is it in the IPTC structure. However, it's pretty useful for organizing, in my opinion. For example, suppose I want to tag a photo as being taken in some city. With hierarchical tagging, the photo would then automatically pick up state and country tags, without requiring the additional clicks. Same with organizing people. Friends and family groups? Tag a person, and be able to search for all pictures with friends or family?

    As for software that supports this, I believe digikam does, as well as the iPhoto plugin Keyword Manager. I know it's not the most common thing to do, but it makes tagging go a lot more quickly....
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